Three-Dimensional Architecture and Cell Composition of a Chokroun’s Platelet-Rich Fibrin Clot and Membrane

Foto Three-Dimensional Architecture and Cell Composition of a Chokroun’s Platelet-Rich Fibrin Clot and Membrane

Background: Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF; Choukroun’s technique) is a second-generation platelet concentrate for surgical use. This easy protocol allows the production of leukocyteand platelet-rich fibrin clots and membranes starting from 10-ml blood samples. The purposes of this study were to determine the cell composition and three-dimensional organization of this autologous biomaterial and to evaluate the influence of different collection tubes (dry glass or glass-coated plastic tubes) and compression procedures (forcible or soft) on the final PRF-membrane architecture. Methods: After centrifugation, blood analyses were performed on the residual waste plasmatic layers after collecting PRF clots. The PRF clots and membranes were processed for examination by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.

Results: Approximately 97% of the platelets and >50% of the leukocytes were concentrated in the PRF clot and showed a specific three-dimensional distribution, depending on the centrifugation forces. Platelets and fibrin formed large clusters of coagulation in the first millimeters of the membrane beyond the red blood cell base. The fibrin network was very mature and dense. Moreover, there was no significant difference in the PRF architecture between groups using the different tested collection tubes and compression techniques, even if these two parameters could have influenced the growth factor content and biologic matrix properties.

Conclusions: The PRF protocol concentrated most platelets and leukocytes from a blood harvest into a single autologous fibrin biomaterial. This protocol offers reproducible results as long as themain production principles are respected.


Nota do Consultor Científico PRF Delivery:


Este trabalho executado pelo autor que fundamentalizou os achados  científicos do PRF demonstra a viabilidade celular de leucócitos e plaquetas e sua distribuição na membrana, a indiferença do uso  de 2 diferentes tubos de vácuo e a arquitetura densa  da fibrina.


Fonte: J Periodontol 2010;81:546-555.